Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple Author Interview & Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple

Author: Ellie M. Littleton

Genre: RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship

The twenty-first century Church has the same Holy Spirit power and many more modern-day resources than the first century Church, yet the first century Church had greater success in making disciples. Why? They followed the plan Jesus gave them, and He blessed it. But the more worldly progress we’ve made, the more we’ve deviated from Jesus’s plan by choosing programs, entertainment, and socials with only surface-level encounters.  

We neglect to make a connection with the lost, and they see no real commitment from the church. So they come and go as we continue to meet and plan more programs. To end the cycle, we must go and make disciples as Jesus taught—investing our lives in the lives of others.  

Do you long to live the Great Commission and make disciples, but you’re not sure how? In Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple, Ellie Littleton offers biblical examples and concepts that break down the hard work of discipleship into sixteen thought-provoking lessons.  

So go and make disciples. “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8 niv). 


Click here to get your copy.


About the Author

Ellie Littleton has spent most of her adult life teaching both high school and adult Sunday school. She is minister of Vision Teams at her church, and serves as an officer on the planning team of her church’s annual Women of the Word Conference. Her husband of twenty-one years and high school sweetheart, Brad Littleton, serves as minister of music at their church. Their daughter, Hannah Kate, has been active in AcTeens and children’s church. She plans to continue competitive cheer in college. Son, Grayson, is home from a six-month internship at Lifehouse Church in Tokyo, Japan, and is seeking a position as a youth pastor. Ellie and her family love their church, family-and-friend cookouts, volleyball, boat riding, and music. She also enjoys reading, women’s conferences, and sneaking away to occasional girlfriend getaways at the beach. 


More from Ellie

Eighteen years ago, I was blessed to be a part of a church plant in the community where I was raised and still call home.  The new church, South Shelby Baptist, gave me the opportunity to dig in and exercise the spiritual gifts given to me by the Holy Spirit.  As I begin to write and teach Bible lessons, a deep passion arose and bloomed within my heart to grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18) and see others grow too.  I am a people-person and find great joy in connecting with people and seeing people connected, especially within the Body of Christ.  In the past five years, God has been and is pulling me out of that comfort zone of lessons into writing Bible studies.  My pastor, David Warren, leads the vision of our church- be a disciple and make a disciple.  He asked me a couple of years ago, to write a Bible study on the topic of discipleship for our folks as a resource to help us grow and activate the call to make disciples.  And that is how Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple Bible study began.  I wrote this Bible study for my church to use as resource to grow in discipleship, because my heart for ministry is in the local church, especially my local church, South Shelby Baptist.  But God.  God began prompting my heart with the dream to have Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple published… and here it is.  God is good and He is faithful; great is your faithfulness, O LORD!  It is my prayer that you can use it as a resource to help you and your local church grow in discipling others too.  To God be the glory and blessings to you in Christ,


Q&A with Ellie

1. Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Writing energizes me mostly; it gets me excited about what the Lord is doing through me, excites me how the Holy Spirit works and excites me to use the gifts he had given me.  There are times when I have exhausted and pressured because life presents many demands, but I have to remember to be patient and trust God to provide the time and the revelation of what to write.

2. How did writing this book grow you spiritually?

In writing this study, God gave me more confidence to use the gifts he has given, reminded me that hard work, time and effort bring satisfaction of accomplishment.  My weakest academic skill in high school was writing. Writing this study and having it published epitomizes for me the verses in 1 Corinthians: 21-29, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.”  There is no way I could have written this study and had it published without the Holy Spirit. God has shown me with this publishing project that He makes a way there as humans we see no way.  The summer I signed the contract to publish I wrestled with time requirements of this project along with teaching, my full-time job.  That same summer I was offered a new position as an academic interventionist that had far less demands than teaching 3 different history preps.  The position seemed to come out of nowhere, but I knew it was an answer to my prayers.

3. What do you like to do when you are not writing?

I love life and sharing my life with family and friends at cook-outs, boating and water sports.  I enjoy going out to eat; I consider myself a foodie.  I love to eat and I enjoy cooking. I also like to travel; I enjoy the mountains, the beach and most anything historical.

4. When did you start writing?

I started writing Bible lessons 18 years ago and Bible studies 5 years ago.

5. What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

The most difficult part about writing currently is time.  School is back in session and I have less time to just sit and think or study.

Thank you Ellie for you time in letting us get to know you better!

Blog Stops

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CarpeDiem, November 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 26

Artistic Nobody, November 27 (Author Interview)

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Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 29

Texas Book-aholic, November 30

janicesbookreviews, December 1

A Reader’s Brain, December 2

Inklings and notions, December 3

Simple Harvest Reads, December 4 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Ellie is giving away the grand prize package of a Bible study copy of her book and a $50 Visa Card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


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