Caryl McAdoo’s Scavenger Hunt


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Unbeknownst to loved ones, a headstrong young wife is snatched off the prairie by two Comanche braves, carried north of the Red River, and traded to their war chief for ponies. After five years, a small detail of Texas Rangers rides into camp, and she determines that day will bring freedom or death. She’ll remain captive no more. Sassy Nightengale almost gives up hope until a company of Texas Rangers rides into Bold Eagle’s peace camp. She learns they’ve come for the negotiated exchange of stolen white women, except her name isn’t on their list. Purposing in her heart to escape captivity with her blue eyed, four- year-old that day, she does everything she can to be noticed. Famed Texas Ranger Levi Baylor spots the red headed beauty and agrees to the war chief’s price adding his personal horse and weapon to the Republic agents’ offerings. The trade propels the couple on a trail of joy and sorrow. Sweet love blossoms but must be denied. His integrity and her faith in God keep them at arm’s length, not allowing even a kiss. Sassy’s still married to her son’s father, and Levi’s honor bound to deliver her home—to her husband. Can their forbidden love be made holy? God hates divorce. Is it wrong to hope, expect Nightengale to relinquish his wife and son? Will Sassy and Levi find the redemption they seek for their troubled souls?

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Caryl McAdoo, praying her story gives God glory, loves writing for Christian genres–historical and contemporary romance, Biblical fiction, and mid-grade/young adults.

Caryl’s heart to serve is apparent as she helps other new authors realize their dreams. Besides teaching writing creative fiction, she also works to show them how to format their novels and the importance of good edits from fresh eyes. As she was mentored at the DFW Writers’ Workshop fifteen years (1993-2008), she hopes to pay God’s blessings forwarding mentoring others.

For every good in her life–including four children and seventeen grandsugars–she gives God the glory. Caryl lives a country-life with Ron, her high school sweetheart and husband of fifty years (1968-2018) in the woods a few miles south of Clarksville, Red River County seat, located in the far Northeast corner of Texas.

Blog Stops

proud to be an autism mom, April 14

Bibliophile Reviews, April 15

A Greater Yes, April 16

Texas Book-aholic, April 17

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, April 18

Janices book reviews, April 19

Jeanette’s Thoughts, April 20

Carpe Diem, April 21

A Baker’s Perspective, April 22

Simple Harvest Reads, April 23 (Guest post from Mindy Houng)

Pursuing Stacie, April 24

Bigreadersite, April 25

Quiet Quilter, April 26

margaret kazmierczak, April 27


amazon gift card

For this scavenger hunt, Caryl is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Be sure to enter the giveaway and keep an eye out for the special code words! Click the link below to enter:

https://promosimple. com/ps/ca82


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