Good and Faithful Servant Review and Giveaway

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About the Book:

Book: Good & Faithful Servant

Author: Wes Daughenbough

Genre: Non-fiction, leadership

Release Date: July, 2020

Good & Faithful ServentThe greatest need in the body of Christ today is for spiritual leadership training, and the first law of spiritual leadership is that you are not the leader—the Holy Spirit is! If you follow him, you will lead many to righteousness.

Veteran pastor Wes Daughenbaugh, a Christian leader for nearly fifty years and author of five books, presents a wealth of spiritual wisdom designed to help Christian leaders develop skills for true godly leadership.

Key topics:

  • The differences between secularized leadership and spiritual leadership.
  • How to avoid using people to obtain a secularized vision and instead have God’s vision for the individuals you are leading.
  • How to have influence with God (power in prayer).
  • The importance of spiritual warnings.
  • Seven ways to live in Christlike character virtues.
  • Over sixty professional drawings to help you “see” spiritual truths.

If you long for intimacy with God and want your life to glorify Jesus, you’ll find Good and Faithful Servant to be a comprehensive, timely resource to help you be a Spirit-led servant of Jesus Christ and his church.

Click here to get your copy!

Guest Review from Joni Truex

Written mainly for preachers and church leadership,  there are lessons for all if us included in this book.  Remembering to seek God’s wisdom through prayer on all decisions great and small is one if the key takeaways. Others include living a Godly life, avoiding temptation and speaking appreciation for your blessings.

This book was provided through Celebrate Lit and the author for me to read. The opinions expressed are my own.

About the Author

Wes D. PhotoMulti-published author Wes Daughenbaugh understands pastors and church leadership. He has served forty-six years in ministry as associate pastor, lead pastor, and traveling teacher-evangelist, preaching in fifty US states and several foreign countries. With the gift of teaching, Wes turns complex truths into easy-to-remember illustrations for leaders and readers. Ordained with the Oregon Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God, Wes lives with his wife, Bonnie, in western Oregon. They have two daughters, three grandsons, and one granddaughter. Learn more at

More from Wes



During my many years in the ministry I’ve tried to feed my leadership gift with books on leadership but I never bonded with them. They were so dry. Then never talked about being rich in God, how to get supernatural faith, have a dynamic prayer life or live in the power of the Spirit. I finally decided I just must not be a leader but only a “teacher.” During those years I “led” thousands to Christ and led thousands more into forgiveness and lessons in Christ-like maturity. Two years ago I began to pray earnestly that God would restore spiritual POWER to the American Church. Then to my surprise, God strongly impressed me to write a book on SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP and gave me the title and subtitle. The book gushed out of me in eight days of writing and I’ve spent the last year and a half perfecting the copy and getting the sixty plus drawings finished. This book has the leadership lessons the Holy Spirit personally taught me. They are not DRY. You’ll find God’s presence in this book. It will teach you how to be a great follower of the real LEADER of the church, the Holy Spirit.


ONE MORE THING: These lessons are for every Christian. We don’t need titles and positions to be spiritual leaders. Just desire to “lead many to righteousness” by being a great follower of the Holy Spirit. God will use YOU to bring “massive glory” to His name.

Blog Stops

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 8

Texas Book-aholic, September 9

By The Book, September 10 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, September 10

Inklings and notions, September 11

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 12

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, September 13 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 14

For the Love of Literature, September 15 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, September 15

For Him and My Family, September 16

Artistic Nobody, September 17 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Tell Tale Book Reviews, September 18 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Bookshelf, September 19

Through the Fire Blogs, September 20 (Author Interview)

Sara Jane Jacobs, September 21


To celebrate his tour, Wes is giving away the grand prize of a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.